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A member registered Sep 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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i smiled

felt like playing an arg 

heyy I just found your game and I really like it. Sadly, I ran into the same bugs with the batteries as the others, but I'm happy to see you're already working on that one. Can't wait to play the whole game:))

I just finished playing and I'm wondering if there are any more endings. I got the happy ending btw, it was really nice but very sad and disturbing. It gave me some complicated feelings.

Thank you for answering, your game is amazing <3

(spoiler warning) 

did anyone manage to open the door next to the keycard door? i've been trying to figure out if its even possible 

I played this game recently and I really liked it, but I can't help but wonder; why is this the first game shows me when I search with the "cute" tag xddd

If you're reading the comments to see if the game is good or not, I advise you to try it out. It was an amazing experience for me, because it handled hard but important topics in a beautiful way - not just visually, but in every way possible. In the end it actually gives you lesson aswell, a nice advise for those who are in need of it.