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A member registered Mar 03, 2021

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We wrote comments, you answered to them and everybody was happy. I don't think that something is really lost here. The important thing is that you are doing a great job! 

Looks great, way more immersive. Thank you!

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Thanks for the update... even if it's rather short..

The decision making is a tough part, but I like it. Hence, what's that "back" button for? ^^ I'am always in a struggle between curiosity (whats that private party??) and the wish for an upright character building.But I guess thats intended... you little beast ;)

For the german translation... well, i appriciate it, but in some spots it's a little off and a little too much 1:1 translated from english. It's okay for the first try and there is nothing to be missunderstood.

I think that Ned falls a bit short in this part. I hoped to find him in his room if i would left the party right after him. But that ended the party and the game *sob* 

Thanks so much and... waiting for MORE ! 

Wait... you're german too? Let's stick with english, the "world" should be able to follow this ;)

In my rating, I referred to what I wrote earlier: It's the speed. I mean... meeting a nice guy and end up in a sexual game just hours later IS probably thinkable...but how often would that happen? Don't see this as something I want you to change! It's all right. Let the game be a game. It's great that way. If I want endless foreplay, I go for arryn's "Straight!?" ^^

Thanks for your reply! 

btw: The german translation is a nice move, but you don't have to do that. I can read and understand english quite well... writing and speaking is another thing ;)

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Wow... I am really impressed. Great game! Even if I am not very happy with the sheer speed. Everything is happening so damn fast here. On the other hand... we don't have to wait for some eye candies ;)
Keep up the great work! Like it!!

(sorry for the poor wording..this one is from germany^^)

Ha... intercultural (or intercontinental?) difference here. Beeing a german, I struggle with the term "send some luv" ... but I got the message though ;) In fact, I googled a personal phrase to give my comment a proper end. So... is "best wishes" too formal?

And also, beeing a german, I am touched by your choice on Bradens car. Yeah, the badge looks unfamiliar, but I know that car series from it's very beginning on the drawing board ;)

Keep up your great work and thanks so much!!

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This visual novel is awesome. I am not a native english speaker, so apologies for my wording... ;)
I played the game so far and it is just GREAT storytelling. I have no problems with the missing sound. In fact... I think I don't even miss it. The characters and the story have their own voices in my head already. It is like reading a book...with some pictures in it.
So, if you're planning to add sound... well, okay... but I won't use ist ^^

Just one little thing... the game is *huge* in terms of gigabytes... is there any possibility to shrink it, without loosing picturequality?

It seems to me, that the given choices in the game aren't actually choices. Looks more like a oneway story to me, is that right? Or is there a real chance to alter something drastically by choosing different options?

Anyways: I really love this novel and I am desperatly looking forward to more of it! Keep up the great work!

best wishes from germany,
