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A member registered Oct 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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I saw the art design during class but it’s super amazing to play the game and see it up close! Great job!! 

thank you Jim Unity 🫡

I really like the environment you created! 

super impressive design!!! 

why do I feel sad after? :( great work on the game!!

super awesome visual storytelling!!!

I tried to choose the mean/strange option lol and I had a good time playing great work! 

Final boss gave me a run for my money but I really enjoyed playing! 

I love how I can develop a gambling addiction, get fired, and get a new friend all in one sitting! 

Great use of the counter. 

How did he know I was a Dolly fan???!??? 

Super fun game and I can tell you put a lot of thought into the story. Really enjoyed the fact that you made your own theme song for the game. It makes it so much more original and adds to the atmosphere. I’m slightly offended the goth one didn’t wanna talk to me. Reminded me of high school :( 

I agree! I feel like normally I’ll choose the insane option to just see what happens lol but for this one there was a sense of urgency like I should actually make good choices that benefit the ship. 

The timing was perfect! I got jumpscared as soon as the box appeared. Definitely super cool to see how everything worked together. I think even just the wording used also just scared me lol. 

Like everyone else I thought I broke the game at the end haha. Really enjoyed the aesthetic and the story behind each object. I wasn’t able to register an item, but I think that was purposeful? I played twice and it felt like I was caught by security much faster than I was the second time around so I wonder if it is a randomized timer. 

This game felt tranquil and eerie at the same time. I was never sure if I could trust the creator and I think that the visual of the games aided that. 

After reading other people’s comments I am now seeing that I have missed some things haha. I will say I think I can beat a zombie in a fight if it is fictional and in a video game. Overall great work! I wonder what it would look like if there were some sounds when we go to listen for zombies. 

i am a competitive person, so I have two scores on there haha. Trying to beat my own self. I wasn’t able to get that far in, but I noticed the better I do, the more levels I am able to complete, so I wonder how many different typing levels there are? 

This was really fun to play! I enjoyed how the game told me about different avenues I could take in future playthroughs because it made me realize how many secrets there really were. I think that finding all the objects helped to restore this family’s legacy which is very sweet. 

Pink is my favorite color so I definitely enjoyed the aesthetic of this game! Really sweet (lol) vibe and I enjoyed the fact that I had to keep trying for what I wanted. Reminded me of gambling but in a good way! 

I saved humanity!!!! At what cost? Idk, Im pro choice. I was only able to get two of the endings in my time playing, but it was really enjoyable seeing all the different options. I also liked how the timelines were depicted because I felt like I was able to really put myself in each era. 

I really enjoyed the variety of paths in this game! My first roll was the rock, which is apparently an immortal figure, very true to real life. I did think I broke the game at first haha, but once I figured out the other things I could create I did feel very godlike.