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Clear World Games

A member registered Dec 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi! Sorry for the late reply, we've been busy preparing for a pitch to get some funding.

Unfortunately, the current demo does not support MAC. However, we plan to have a demo by the end of the year that supports MAC, Windows AND Linux.

We're happy for your interest in the game and would like to apologize for any inconvenience. 

Thank you! Your words of encouragement keep us going!

Hi! @erinyeezy 

Thank you for taking the time to play the demo!

To answer your question, yes, this is just the state the demo is in currently. 

During the creation of this demo, we were doing this as a final project for our university and our programmer, Tyson,  was only able to work on it outside of his classes. We are currently rebuilding the game from scratch  code wise since he is now on the team permanently and has also learned more since graduating! So with the next demo, we will have a lot smoother animations, textured models and hopefully better code :)

Thanks again!
