A Short from Table Dive!
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Hey thanks for the feedback! It is definitely designed to be used alongside the book as it's meant to be an insert in the upcoming box set. Failing that, it can also be paired with this site: https://www.fistref.com. Would you like a free download key for the book in order to better use the guide?
hey Martín!! really sorry but we accidentally removed your submission from JAM OPS V, here is a resubmission link:
it works great as a tutorial, super atmospheric!! the main sticking point was that a player who has killed one pack ghoul has a good chance of being able to buy out Vanda's entire store (pack ghouls averaging 11.5 souls dropped from d6+d8+d6 and Vanda's inventory maxing out at 8 items). because of this we opted to play w the assumption that only major enemies drop souls -- this makes a lot more sense though, levelling up seems less impossible now 😅 thanks again!
hi Jason!! this game is so lovely and concise, got a quick question if you don't mind answering:
do all enemies drop a # of souls derived from rolling and summing their ability dice, or is it just bosses like the Alpha Ghoul who drop a # of souls (along with larger enemies like the Scavenger Ghoul which could drop a level-up item)?
absolutely none! FIST is licensed under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0. that means:
- you can do anything you want with the concepts and material without our permission, including making your own commercial products, but
- you have to credit CLAYMORE (thanks for thinking of us!), and
- whatever you make has to be under this same license!
they're out of stock at the moment but you can sign up for email updates here!!
Devs here! As written, all characters start at base level, even if the previous character was high level or the rest of the party is.
While this is punishing, it's for three design reasons:
1. War should be punishing and death should feel bad in order to keep the stakes high and the players immersed - if players want to do badass things, they need to do smart badass things that give them an unfair advantage against the enemy, like sneaking, sabotage, flanking, etc. FIST is more of an underdog, against-all-odds fantasy than a power fantasy.
2. Character progression tends to be horizontal instead of vertical - all the stat bonuses and items in the traits list are fine-tuned so that while characters may have more tools as they advance, they don't become invincible, and a 6 trait character can work alongside a 2 trait one.
3. Capital and worldly gains are important - loot and gadgets and backup are the name of the game, and a fresh, underleveled character can be "caught up" with everyone else by sharing loot.
Hope this helps and thanks for playing!!
EDIT: Something that might be helpful for setting player expectations is comparing FIST to roguelikes. It's very inspired by these games, where death is bad - you always start from scratch.