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A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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I really like the 3D mode of the game and the design of the desert. One suggestion could be the edge on the screen when the player if approach the edge. I like how the game gave author choices to upgrade the speed as you choose the survival mode .

I like the sprites and design for the game which makes the game really adorable. The idea of playing with the light makes the game become more align with the magical idea of the game. The mushrooms and music sound tracks add more fun to the game. I played the beta testing for the game and I could see the improvement of the jumping and the sounds.

i love the sound track and the animation of the enemy. The sprites and design for the game are really adorable. The game really align with the glitch idea of the topic and the trailor video is really cool. I really like this game!

I really like the exit sign on for the game which clearly shows where to go. I also like the increasing of the difficulty for each level. One suggestion I would give is that it would be more helpful to have an instruction for the game since sometimes the player don’t know what each block would do and they may get a little confused. The background for each level is really adorable.

The game is interesting. I like the idea of including both the sea and ground for each level. One suggestion I would gave to the game is sometimes it's hard for people to realize that the boat is the main character and there definitely can be more improvement made to the game. 

I played this game for beta testing and I was able to see the huge improvement for the game. I really like the idea of trying to find who you are.I also like the idea that for each game you could play some mini games which make the game become more diverse. 

The design background of the game is really cool I like how the idea of the story is being built. One thing I really like regarding the game is the animation of the character. One improvement I think for the game is that each time the character jump it is hard to see what is in front so the player may be a little lost in the game. 

I really like the improvement between levels which make player have more features through levels and the possibility for player to climb on the wall. I really like animations for both player and enemies and all the sprites for the game. One thing I realized for the game is that each time the enemy died takes a little bit long time to wait for it to fade. 

I really like the interaction buttons for the game. The color of the sky regarding the time are really detailed and the little map for each scene is really user friendly which provides better user experience. I really like this polished work since the sprites are so cute and the game looks really professional. 

I really like the background of the music which makes the game really enjoyable.I also really like the way for the transition between levels using the staircase which is really different from previous projects I saw. The build of the world if also really cool and the dog knight is really cute!

I really like the story telling theme at the beginning of the game which just makes the game has higher integrity.  The shadows are cool and the anger characters are really cute. I really like the design of allowing only specific region to be clear to the players which increase the difficulty of finding the key in the game. The levels are really cool too!

I really like this game. It reminds me of a Nintendo Switch game called Akuto which is also a really fun game that has similar design but completely different mode. I really like the puzzles of the game and the camera design that allow the player to have the freedom to adjust their game view. This game is really interesting. 

I like the character sprite, it is really cute, including the level gate for each level. I like the idea on halloween background designs including pumpkins, ghosts. One improvement could be improve the Start and Ending Screen a little bit to make it more related to halloween theme.

I really like the animations of the character not only about its shooting option but also the option to fight the enemies. Also really like the heart design which also give the player opportunity to gain hearts during the game. 

I really like the sprites and background, they are so elegant and monsters are really cool. The sound effect is also really attractive. It would be more fun to have a shooting animation for further improvement. Really like the game!

I really like the checkpoints for the game which is really friendly to users since each level is pretty big. I really like the key design which makes the game more fun. The sprites are adorable and the sound for each level is really attractive.