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A member registered 44 days ago

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Select the "Body Lotion" option when talking to Lyrana at midday, that will give you the hints.

(1 edit)

This is more of a review than a question itself but anyway (sorry if it's too long.).

First of all, greetings from Brazil.

Well, I just finished the game yesterday and holy moly, I loved every single hour I've put in it. And when I reached the end I was like "there's gonna be more?!" I just love it. The dialogues are well written, the story is pretty linear and interesting, all the characters are unique visually and personality wise, the OST is catchy and simple (not a bad thing). I could go all day describing why I like this game, it was my first experience with an eroge and I don't regret it. These things made me create an account here just to write this review.

If I were to make a critique, it would be to add more "life" into the "special scenes" (Idk if you guys already plan on that already but anyway). 

That's it, I am looking forward to see what the future updates will bring and I can't wait to see this game finished someday. Keep up the amazing work and please, please don't abandon the project, it has SO much potential. Wish you the best!

Fica com Deus!