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A member registered Apr 10, 2018

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okay, so, it took me a while to fully form a review because i wanted to make sure i didn’t miss anything! overall, this game is fantastic. it’s playful, witty and unbelievably funny in a very realistic way (especially if you’ve ever been in a fan server). i absolutely adored all the character interactions and the extra level of depth that the side characters had! i think, often, otome games run the risk of making everything seem very centred around the mc and their love interest which is totally understandable, given that it’s a love story, but it makes the entire universe seem… empty. blooming panic feels so full of life, all of the time, because of the little peeks into the lives of other characters and i love it. the music and the art are both phenomenal and i’m so glad i stumbled across this game!

nightowl: this route came first for me, purely because it was 1am and i thought it would be ironic. i did not expect to get so invested, though. his route hit very close to home, especially with his struggles (to keep it vague) and i’ll be honest! i cried! and it was very cathartic, because it felt like a reminder that there are always people who care and it was such an unexpectedly reassuring message. personality-wise, i adored him. his voice actor did such a great job with conveying his playful attitude and it made the call scenes feel super cosy, if that makes sense. both endings tugged on my heart strings to a ridiculous degree and i will give his route a totally unbiased 10/10. ahem.

quest: i did quest’s route second, since nakedtoaster was advised to be kept for last and i wanted my not-discord mod romance. sue me. one thing that stood out to me in quest’s route was the quiet support he offered the mc. his route seemed very comfortable, in a sense, with an air of maturity you would expect from someone who comes off as responsible (compared to the others, at least). the conflict in his route was another thing i understood on a personal level, so the overarching motif of the past not defining you was really lovely to hear. quest’s voice actor did an amazing job and their voice was so calming to listen to, i wanted to stay on the call forever! unsurprisingly, he’s another 10/10 because sometimes you just need someone to call you angel.

nakedtoaster: a rollercoaster if there ever was one! this route really hit me with all the emotional curveballs and, honestly, it got me crying again but i promise in a good way. toaster was so awkward but genuinely sweet and it endeared me to him when i wasn’t sure if i’d really click with his route. i loved the silly ffxiv references just as much as i loved how flustered he got around mc! a good boy if there ever was one. the voice actor did a spectacular job and i could listen to several voice lines on repeat. i think having his route last was perfect, since the webnovel focuses so much on what change means for people and it’s a recurring theme throughout the game. it gave me a lot to think about, and i’m thankful for that. shockingly, another 10/10.

(but, uh, xyx route when?)