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A member registered Dec 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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- DEMO Will be available again at some time in May 2024
Follow the game here or on the channel to get it when its available.

Updates News 2/05/2024
Development if progressing well and a lot of the games key game mechanics are now in and working. The 9 Enemy Factions are now all able to battle each other as well as you. A lot remains to be done to the game but it is now a working prototype in all areas. If you are interested in being kept up to date then a Discord for A FEW GOOD SOULS is available.

Hi Exca,
Glad you like the new name, I think its a lot better than the CA one I was using.

Thank you Marion, I hope you enjoy the dev build when its available and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. 

Hi Alexx,
If you are having some problem with the paths then this video will help you. More points are better as it allows you to then expand from those path points later on when your park has more cash. Your first path will always be a loop if that helps you.

Thank you for your post as its important I find out how people are playing, issues they have, things they find easy to do etc. Hope you stick at it and I look forward to seeing how you get on.

5x5 22 Monument Park Test
This was a big park with a lot of paths and is the largest Ive made in a while. It was made on a custom ecology with just Oak Trees and some lakes. I let the oak grow and removed ones later on which did not grown to renown status. This is something you can try yourself.

Above: This monument reached 100 visitors so a small firework display was held to mark the occasion.

Above: Large Scotts Pine dwarf other tree species and will give your park a more stately home feel.

Above: Thats a of monuments and a lot to manage, its also a lot of firework displays.

Above: The effect of snow at the base of trees is something I will be working on as development continues. I think it looks GREAT!!!!

Hi Parkers,

I have good news as the old UE5.0.3 has now been upgraded to the Unreal Engine 5.1 which is a relief. Throughout the development of the game way back in UE4 it was my intention to avoid too many plugins, engine edits and so on so that updating to newer engine versions was less painful, and thanks to EPIC that has largely been the case. I am delighted to get the game into 5.1 and will be moving it onto 5.2 as and when I feel that version of the engine has had enough time for bug fixes etc. Obviously an engine update brings with it all the advancements the EPIC team have made over the past year and I look forward to implementing some of the more advanced features when I get chance. For now my focus, as always, is in finishing off the game to a reasonable standard before I start the process of fine tuning it all and adding in improvements.

Development Update News on 3rd July 2023

Hi Parkers,
Development of the game is progressing well in Unreal Engine 5 and I hope to update the engine over the coming weeks, from 5.0.1 to 5.1 and then up onto 5.2. This is a fairly time consuming task given in every update EPIC will have changed something that needs changed in the code to make it compile again. But that is the way it goes and the benefits are worth the hassle. I will  keep you posted on this side of development as it does make a difference to what I can do in the game with the latest tech being available and updated etc.

Demo updates will continue as I develope the game so that you can test out and check out the latest game features.

A place to share your opinions on development, share ideas and so on.

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4x4 European Ecology Map Test With Stone Age Monuments

Above: A fairly complicated park with a lot of paths

Above: Cactus are one the plant species you can scale yourself instead of them growing.

Above: Retail outlets were spaced out in this park to catch every tourist possible.

Above: As you can see it was a fairly complicated park

Above: Come Autumn the park looked even more amazing :)

Farming can be a very profitable way to get a park up and running and in this simple guide we will get you started on your way.

In order to start planting you will need to go to the CROP MENU and build the park office building (cost 1000*) and also generate a small amount of power from a solar panel.

Once you have those two items purchased and placed on your map its time to add in some fields. To do this select the field tool and then right click on your park to start terraforming the land into fields, it costs 50* per click. Once you have created your field area you should see some white boxes appear, these are your fields. To highlight them all use the option in the CROP MENU, once you have them all selected then select a crop to plant. Some crops are more profitable than others, some grow faster, some are more expensive and so on. Once planted your crops will grow and once ready will provide your park with some income. 

To ensure great crop profits make sure your fields have irrigation around them. You can check on your crops by using the crop indicators found at the top right.

Remeber that you can use farming, livestock and tourists to generate profits all at the same time.

5x5 14 Monument Park Test

Above: I used diffrent colour lighting to make the monument stand out.

Above: This park has a lot of donation items and a repair shop to keep them all working.

Above: Most of the park is now lit but I have more expandsion and landscaping to do.

Above: I invested a lot in rental outlets.

Above: With the Greek Monuments I did some terraforming to produce a pond round the one in the foreground. :)

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Sheep can be purchased from the open market for 1000* each. How many you want to buy to start with is up to you. 1x sheep will breed so you can start with one and wait for the lambs to appear to increase your flock.  A sheep will need to reach 3 years of age before it will produce lambs. You can see sheep by right clicking on them and your park will receive the cash amount shown in the sheep UI indicators. Sheep have a maximum value of around 500* so you will need to decide when to sell them to maximise profits.

Above: To buy sheep head to the CROP MENU and at the end you will find sheep controls.

Controling Sheep
Sheep currently have a few control options, these are follow the player or graze. Clicking on the follow player will make the sheep follow the player, Graze mode allows them to wander freely and find food for themselves. You can also speed the sheep up with the other menu button. These buttons are On/Off so if you want to stop the sheep following the player remember to click the button again. For sheep information use the sheep icon found at the top right.

Creating Pastures
In the CROP MENU you will find a pasture tool at the start of the Menu, select it. Once selected right click on your land to start creating pastures for your sheep. Sheep eat grass and the pastures will produce a lot of grass consistantly for them to eat. If you dont have pastures sheep will head towards grass to eat. You can fence sheep in to pastures if you wish. Gates and some fence code improvements will be added as development continues, for now just jump over fences.

Above: An experiment using trees to keep the sheep in the field.

Above: Your more traditional fence approach to keeping your sheep and lambs safe.

Coming Soon
I will be experimenting with field hedges as development continues. In the image above you can see that I have used spruce trees to form a basic hedge to keep the sheep in, opposed to a fence. This worked fairly well but will need some additional code and new models for hedges before its included in the game. Some sheep will die due to natural causes and simply vanish off the map. Other livestock options will be made available as development continues.

4x4 Map Used For Testing The Latest Volumetric Fog Effects

3x3 Test Map
Greek Park Theme

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5x5 Map Testing

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Your first priority is to get a path made and add in some basic park services, that is if you are wanting to go the way of a tourist based park.

To get your path made click on PATHS and then click on the first icon. Once you have done that right click on the map where you want your park points to go. Once you have made a rough looping path click the second button from the left to create your path.

Once you have done that you will see blue path nodes, these can be right clicked and moved should you want to edit you path at any point in time. The nodes are also used to extend you path system by adding on junctions, they can also be raised and lowerd to give your paths more variety and allow your tourists better views of your park.

Once you are happy with your path its time to think about some basic park services, these come in the form of trash disposal and seating. Click on PARK and then select a type of trash can you want to use. Next place some around your park at even intervals so that your tourists dont just drop litter around your park, which will bring with it a park penalty and fewer tourists.

Then add in a large trash processing bin so that your smaller bins are emptied. If your park has black bags laying around then you will end up attracting rats. To make sure you dont have any rats in your park highlight the warning icon in the very top right of the menu. Remember that the more tourists and retail outlets your park has the more litter your park will produce. If you end up seeing black bags in your park you can manualy remove them or whats more recommended is to buy more large trash processing bins.

You can now OPEN your park and tourists will start to visit, the number of tourists your park receives is based on your parks PARK SCORE ( PS+ ). By adding seating, retail, attractions etc your park score will increase as it will by adding in nature such as trees, rocks etc. Its important to keep an eye on your park score as selling trees for imber and mining rock will reduce your  park score, after all tourists come to see nature and monuments not a barren wasteland. Editing the terrain and adding in water features and hills will also increase your park score.

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