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^|~{+} Lavender*Heart {+}~|^

A member registered 58 days ago · View creator page →

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my cat, his name is potato

thats okayy

(1 edit)

poor cat :P

edit: this would work on me

Foxy or Foxyalt, can u please draw Lavenderheart?


i used to be Rabbitpounce, but i changed because it was too close to Rabbtleap, an official warrior cat


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Moss-shadow, i have some ideas

1. Just like the reputation icon, the music icon, and the life counter icon. Can there be a HP/ATTACK icon?

2. you can look inside trees for prey, like birds, and squirrels

3. there should be a way to save/convince Nightwhisper from dying

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bruh i just searched what does the warrior cat suffix Fox mean? i then started scrolling down, and saw something that said warrior cat insults: I clicked on it and one of them was Fox-heart... it meant Calling someone cruel or evil. GUYS PLS BELIEVE ME I AM NOT EVIL NOOOO. also, i just searched up if foxheart was a OC cat, but foxheart is A SHADOWCLAN DEPUTY FOR RAGGEDSTAR

edit: changed it so i dont have to live in that terror

ima change to Foxheart

i got a new prefix for Frostheart! she will now be known as Foxheart

Guys, im actually thinking of changing Frostheart's prefix. i have too many OCs with frost. Frostblossom Frostclaw Frostfeather Lynxfrost Frostbite and Adderfrost

here's a true story to cheer up your day! Me and my mom started hearing these weird sounds when we sat on the couch. It sounded like a bird flying, but every time we checked outside, nothing was there. We thought it was just the shower, because its been leaking and my dad ripped it apart. We've had to have duct tape and good paper to cover the leak. I suggested it was the little dust clumps falling, but today I heard it and looked out the window. And there I saw a small gray bird with blue eyes, looking at me when I tapped the window. And this would happen everyday, and it started 2 days ago! I named him Ashfeather and he stayed in my backyard ever since that day. I think he was looking for a good spot in my backyard, because he scanned EVERY corner. I'll try to get a photo, until then have a good day!

thats the fair... you cant go back to brambleclan

what. why?

i don't know if its my internet or what, because i see nothing there. maybe i'll check later

i TRY to, but mobile sucks for that game

so, Tiny-cheese. you wanna see the character list? its not done yet

Who wants me to literally spoil the whole Frostheart's spirit thing? (it's the character list, but it spoils the WHOLE ENTIRE story)

thanks, i didn't draw it, but now i know that that is Froststa- i mean Frostheart

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Frostheart's spirit, coming soon when i brainstorm! ideas are appreciated

also, Frostheart pic!

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does anyone think Pepper is a good prefix? I was looking at a prefix list and came across Pepper. (IDEAS) Pepperpaws, Pepperheart, and Peppernose

EDIT: heres a photo!

omelette? lol


also, someone give me prefixes idk what to name my kit character

okay, my name became GingerTooth? what happened to my characters teeth 0_o

ok thx for the photo #1WarriorCatsFan!

long story short, i decided to live at the fair. But before doing that i gave Bramblestar Moss-shadow, won some tickets, and i had to go to HighRock :/ BUT I COULDN'T

lemme guess, is it Dragonstar?

(1 edit)

Frost*blossom! One day in thunderclan, a kit was born to be known as frost*kit. he father was a kittypet who abandoned her and their mother for a shadowclan she-cat. she was then named frost*paw and she was a great apprentice, and every so often she would meet her dad, but she didn't really talk to him. after 6 moons she was named frost*blossom and she was a fierce and brave one. she defended her clan from more dangers you could imagine, she fought a pack of dogs, gathered herbs to help her clan members from a severe green-cough, she survived a shadowclan attack, she killed a pack of at least 8 foxes with some help, she killed the shadowclan leader after they killed her mother, and finally rescued kits and elders from a wildfire. She was injured in a lot of those dangers, and due to that she became an elder who everyone cared for. she was an elder for 18 more moons when she died from green-cough herself! they buried her near a clear blue pond with colorful flowers as she drifted into Starclan, and here she is wishing y'all for good luck!

Version one...

And version two

i will, but im on mobile right now


oooooooooh drama hehhehe

and also, Frostblossom herself! (UNCOLORED!!)

Frostblossom’s Sight         

Chapter one: Thunderclan

Thunderclan was superior. The sun shined as bright and warm, the fresh scent of marigold flowers, and the birds sang their sweet songs. The Deputy was having a healthy litter of two little kits. Cinderheart was the Deputy. Her mate was a kittypet named Snakepelt, and he rarely came by to meet her. Cinderheart spitted out her worries to Juniperleaf. “What if they’re sick! What if I’m a horrible mother to these sweetpeas!” Cinderheart shouted to Juniperleaf, the Med Cat. “There’s nothing to worry about, Cinderheart! Like I've told you, they are healthy and you will be a great mother.”. Juniperleaf tried to calm her down. She didn’t want her to freak out just because of some little newborn kits! “Juniperleaf-f. I th-think the kits-s are coming!” Cinderheart yelled. And just like that, two healthy happy kits were welcomed into the world. “Ashkit for the tom, and Frostkit for the she-cat.” Cinderheart decided. Frostkit and Ashkit were great kits, and Cinderheart was a great caring and loving mother. Half a moon later… Ashkit and Frostkit dozed off in a pile, and Frostkit was always at the top. They sometimes fought with each other about who would be at the top. Frostkit always won. The next blooming spring morning, Snakepelt came by. He saw his two playful kits, and absolutely adored them. “Snakepelt! Coming by to see our kits?” Cinderheart wondered. “Cinderheart, I’ve gotta tell you something. And yes, the kits are cute.” Cinderheart tilted her head. What was so important that Snakepelt came all the way here for? “Cinderheart, my Housefolk told me I wasn’t allowed to come outside anymore. And it’s not my fault.” Snakepelt sighed. Cinderheart couldn’t believe her ears. Her eyes began to water, Snakepelt was leaving? “But, Snakepelt! I can’t raise these kits alone! At least stay until they’re apprentices!” demanded Cinderheart. “Goodbye, Cinderheart. Goodbye my beautiful kits.”. And just like that, Snakepelt was never ever seen around Thunderclan territory again. “Momma! Momma! We wanna see daddy! Where is he! Why’d he leave?” yipped the kits. Cinderheart didn’t say anything. She just glared at them and sighed. “Ashkit, why is momma sad?” Frostkit questioned. “Did daddy leave for sure?” Ashkit asked Frostkit. 5 moons later…

Chapter two: Adventures of Apprenticeship

e because i need ideas

R.I.P BrambleClan. Sassystar could not make it

Blazewing, got the name from a prefix and a suffix generator

Beekit, to Beepaw, finally warrior name is Beeeye

yes pls

just found out, if you name your cat Rock, and then become leader, you are Rockstar