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A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game has nice UI and a great world set up. I like the color contrast between the environment, the player, and the UI. it feels clean and intuitive. The sound effect of opening chests is a nice touch. I enjoyed this game. 

The theme of the game is whimsical. I see a lot of potential in terms of the game mechanics and the visual. Working on resolving the side sticking bug would improve the playing experience, and a animation of running and jumping would make this game more complete!

This game has such a unique idea and I have always loved the "choose your adventure" type of game. I think the storyline was well written and immersive, and the artwork is amazing - feels like a storybook. The mini games also add to the game. If the art style can be more consistent, ths would feel even more complete! Great work.

The gameplay is super smooth! I love how the player can glide on the wall after getting the supplement item. I think little details were done super well such as when the player gets hit, it turns red, but when it is on a shield, it turns blue. I think it feels super intuitive for the user and is only one small detail of how great the game is.

I LOVE the consistent Glitch effect on the enemies and this page! The art is super consistent and works well. I can see how you took inspo from Among Us but you totally went beyond that game and created something unique and fun to play. 

This game feels so so complete, from the minimap, the transition between the scenes, the pause and resume button, and the unique artwork style. I really loved the part when the seagull bumps into the cloud and bounces back a little with the sound effect. This game has so much to play with and I really loved it.

I really love the player sprites and animations, especially how the hat comes off. The game and have some more added layers if you can add some score/progress tracking UI, have a better resolution or pixelized background, and maybe a different theme for each level! 

The visuals feel really derpy and cool and instantly lift my mood. The UI and the geometric shapes can be more polished without losing the fun. The gameplay is good and I love the different attack. The only thing I noticed is that the physics of the player can be adjusted to make the player more grounded.

The world is built super well. I think the font choice can be a little more consistent and related to the theme. The game seems really light-hearted with the music although there is also a great adventure component to it. I really like it. 

I liked the level designs and how the assets and materials you chose portrays a different feeling for the levels. The music and gameplay feels relaxing. One thing I noticed is that when you are at the edge of the map, you can see the rim of the ground. It would make it look more polished if you could put invisible walls on the edge so that the player cannot see the edge of the map. Good job overall!

This game is upper intriguing and I LOVED how there are so many mini-games in it - there is so much to explore. The street is a genius idea to connect the mini-game rooms together cohesively. If you can add more characters to guess in the game, it would become a game I can play over and over. 

This game has a really great idea! The enemy AI was really well done I have an intense gameplay experience but do not feel too defeated. The color schemes you chose work really well for the prison theme. The progress bar on the upper left corner is a good touch as well.  

The game is absolutely stunning! Visually it looks so complete that I cannot tell it apart from indie games on the market. The chat boxes are a great touch for teaching the player through each level and what to do. I love the robust world built and the smallest thing like the swinging lantern and the shadow made me immerse into the world you are building. 

This game is absolutely great visually. I love how each level is a different mini-game and it ties in with the storyline. The cut scenes effectively hold the different parts of the game together. The lighting is amazing and the music fits each level. One small thing is that I do agree that if the player's asset is changed into a different model, it would seem even more complete.

I love the theme of this game. It is super cute and I love the different scenes across levels. The fonts work really really well with the pixel art style and even this itch page is set up so beautifully. The character is endearing and I like the innovation of the portal. It definitely makes the game a lot interesting! Very nice job!

I think the theme and inspiration are super funny and the characters tell a comedic, derpy story, which is always entertaining. The art style can be adjusted to make the game a little more put together, like making the different sizes of the pixels consistent. I feel like a good next step would be having a slightly better variety in terms of music across the levels.

I really like the health and fireball system. The art style is cohesive and I really appreciate the distinct difference between the two kinds of enemies. They are designed very intuitively. Looking at the art of the man-like robot and the flying one, the player can predict their behavior. 

This game is super impressive, from the artwork, sound, to the gameplay. I love the character's animation with different actions and the themed background of each level. It is very cohesive and put together. In terms of gameplay, everything felt smooth, and the difficulty level was designed well as you level up.