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A member registered Dec 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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In the long run - yes! But, at the end of the day, this is a personally project I make on my own time and budget, and good artists deserve good pay, so it will likely be a while before all of the frames have art.

Thanks! There’s actually a few other small errors in the lcp right now too - I’ve been collecting them while I finish some other updates which should be done in the next week or so. For the moment, the PDF should have the correct versions of everything as it’s what I work on first before moving to the lcp.

That's amazing! I'm still a little flabbergasted to see someone using my content in such a big way, but I'm excited to carve out some time to listen to it myself in the next few days!

I'm absolutely alright with that! All I'd really want is for you to put a link back to this itch page somewhere, but I'd truly be honored if you did. If you go ahead with this plan, I'd love to hear how the material plays, that kind of live feedback is invaluable!

Oh good idea, adding that would make it much better visually! And yeah, the Anise being where it is is semi-intentional – it was the last PI-OF mech I made, and is meant to deliver a slightly different message, if that makes sense? It's the end of the story you get across the other licenses, and I think putting it at the front (although it would make sense) gives it a different impact.

Experiencing what is only the tip of Jewel's proverbial iceberg is a treat deliciously savored – gripping, thought-provoking, and endlessly enticing the reader deeper into the criminal world of the Outlaws below Jewel's Great Game. Delilah is at the vanguard of esoteric aesthetic and occult game design, pushing creative boundaries and narrative splendor with a earnest excitement and finely honed talent for world-building, tension, and the unabashedly bizarre. I cannot think of a better way to onboard a prospective player and induct them into the world of Jewel than the phantasmagorical romp presented here through just a few dice rolls, and I can hardly wait to see what comes next.