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A member registered Nov 11, 2019

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This was an exciting update! The CGI and the commissioned art looks amazing!!

I just finished the first route on chapter 1.5. Francesco is absolutely adorable!!

And Vesper is the coolest MC ever <3

I'd literally die foy Vadeyn.

I love the MC! I like their mouthiness and wittiness. It was a delight to play as them.

The art is gorgeous!!!

Darryl is such a sweetheart ;-; <3

He seems quite cocky at first glance but soon it becomes clear what a smart and strategic man he is, which is hot af. Not to mention the way he wholeheartedly respects and supports the mc's decisions... for that alone he had my whole freaking heart!

Aarya is so cute and charming. I love them as much as I love the LIs! This game's got a really lovely group of characters!

The art is so beautiful. The LIs are so pretty and interesting, I'm really looking forard to romance them all! 

I especially love how well this game's story is interwined Royal Alchemist! It's so nice to see the previous game's characters appear or be mentioned in this one.

Overall, this demo is gorgeous and fun. I look forward to its full release!!

This looks really promising! I loved the little insight into Oberon's character and their world. Manhin is a really likeable character. I kinda wished we could romance her as well, ngl.

I'll be looking forward to this game's release <3

It looks really nice :D

Oh, you're right! I was playing the 1.3 version. I didn't realize there was a new one. I'll let you now if I encounter the problem again in the new version ^^ 

It's a beautiful game so far. I loved the art, the stats system, and the customizable main character. Everything looks very polished too!

The only problem I encountered was the textbox issue everyone keeps mentioning. Other than that, the game looks and works great!

So much happened in just one chapter. I had so much fun.
The cliffhanger is so going to haunt me until the next chapter  ;-;
Thank you all so much for the update and for all your hard work!! 

Chapter four was SO GOOD. I love your writing and the way you convey the main character's emotions! 
It's really hard not to fall for Gage... not that I'm trying, wink wink.
Thank you for the update❤️!

It's okay! Take your time and stay safe ❤️

(1 edit)

I just finished chapter three and I have to say this is amazing. I've been playing for hours without tiring at all. I love the writing and the way the mc behaves is very natural and believable. I often find with romance games that the mc's behavior and/or courses of action are so arbitrary and not relatable that it ruins the feeling of immersion, but this is a perfect example of the opposite. I truly enjoyed all of the characters as well. You gave all of them a distinctive charm.  I'm surprised at how invested I already am with the story and all of the characters, including the mc. I truly love this! Thank you for sharing it <3

This episode was more than worth the wait. It's been my favorite so far. It had so much action and heartfelt moments. It was so much fun.

I find it funny that every time I think I've made up my mind about who to NOT romance said character has to go and prove me wrong all over again. They're all so charming in their own way. I'm having a hard time deciding which is great.

Thank you for this new episode <3.

I'm so excited! This is such a precious story. And it being released on Cove's birthday is so sweet!!! It'll make my summer even more special <3.

I finally bought it and played my first paythrough (Serin best boi)!  I had to come back to leave my review here as well (I posted a similar one on steam ^^).

I have to say, I really loved it! 

I like that the game really makes you think through your decisions strategically in order to succeed in each stage. The stat system is a bit trial and error at first until you get the hang of it. Overall, it's fun, and I like the use of your skills to craft specific items.

The story is engaging, the characters well design and written, and the art is beautiful!
The game offers plenty of hours of gameplay (I spent over 20 hours on just my first playthrough). 
All in all, It's a memorable and fun game. I'd totally recommend it!

I'm looking forward to your next project!! Royal Alchemist was so worth the wait ;-; <3

it was an really interesting chapter! Thank you for the update <3 

I just got the message from steam! I'm so happy for you guys! Hopefully I'll get to buy it and play it soon <3 

I love the art style and the story is quite interesting. I'm really looking forward to the full release!
Would it be possible for the dialogue to be in a larger font size? The text was pretty hard on my eyes to read ^^' 

Excellent! This game looks amazing. I'm adding this to my wishlist as well.

I enjoyed this game so much! It has a wonderful story and characters. Alkar was a delight to romace. He is absolutely adorable!! The ending made me feel so proud of all the characters and their achievements. It was a truly memorable game. Thank you for creating this piece of art and sharing it with others❤️!