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A member registered Jan 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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The 2D character within the 2.5D world is well done. The UI looks great and the story is captivating to follow. The notebook containing all the clues discovered is a cool feature. Overall, great game!

The concept of different states the player has to work with is unique from all the other games we've looked at this semester. It creates a very different playing experience since basic movements such as moving left/right or jumping are now split between different character states. I'd suggest widening the camera angle so it doesn't feel as claustrophobic. Overall, amazing game!

The sprites and style of the game look great. I love the objective of the game and the concept of completing each level while racing against an alarm. The animations are well made and the end screen of being able to sleep some more is so satisfying. Great game!

I love how successfully frustrating this game turned out. The precision needed to pass certain levels and the unnecessary wandering around just to run into a dead end is effective at getting the player to feel the emotions you were aiming for. I'd suggest improving the background, UI, and sprites used so the feel of the game is more consistent. Great job!

The minimap was a great addition to the initial version of the game. The sprites look well done along with the animation of the player running, jumping, and shooting. The strategy of using different types of guns that can be collected to take out certain enemies seems well-polished. Great work!

Interesting game. Right off the bat, the icon for the bait was eye-catching and looked amazing. I'd suggest adding a way for players to see how much health the enemies have left and that they're taking damage. The top-down grid layout for a 3D tower defense game is unique and refreshing to see. The store UI looks great as well. 

I love tower defense games! I really like the animal theme of this game and the sprites for the different towers are well done. There are inconsistencies in the UI in terms of placement and style which can be an easy fix. I'd also suggest adding a pause option and adding an indicator showing which path the enemies will spawn from. Great job!

The sprites are well done and feel nostalgic reminding me of the Pokemon retro games. The ability to talk to NPCs was a fun and nice touch. I'd suggest changing the UI to better fit the pixelated retro theme of the game. Overall, great work!

Everything about the sprites and UI looks fantastic!  The animations for the player and characters look meticulously well-made and given great attention to detail. I really like how the arenas are independent in terms of opponent and storyline yet they all connect well with each other. There are a lot of scenarios you can add and build upon here, great job!

I'm a big fan of games such as this where you're trying to fend off waves of enemies and unlocking powerups. The animation spawning the enemy rising from the ground looks great. Personally, I'd tone down the animation for clearing all the enemies on the screen when the player collects a bomb. Overall, great game!

This game reminds me so much of Jetpack Joyride. The different power-ups, types of bunnies, and obstacles are well done. The sprites are consistent and the music bits well.  I would suggest changing the UI keeping track of the score, high score, and number of carrots collected to fit in more with the gameplay.

The art for the cards looks well-made and polished. The animations are simple yet elevates the feel of the game. The music fits well with the sprites and overall feel of the game. The mechanics are well made introducing a new playing experience per round and allowing the player to build towards different decks each time they play. Well done!

There's so much going on in this game!  The tutorial does a perfect job introducing the player to all the mechanics and they were all used seamlessly within the different levels. The path to completing the later levels isn't linear thus allowing for a bit of exploration. I would suggest changing the sound since it seems out of place with the atmosphere of the game. Overall, one of the best games I've seen yet!

Interesting game concept! I really like how each level presents a different scenario, environment, and storyline yet it sticks with the same theme. I personally wouldn't calibrate the camera to move around so much. When moving around quickly it started jarring around a lot, making precision jumps more difficult. Overall, great animations, use of sound effects, and player mechanics!

The sprites in this game look great! The enemies each provide a different type of obstacle whether it's chasing or attacking is a neat touch. I like the option to intercept the enemy's attacks rather than just resorting the player to dodging out of the way. There seems to be a bug where the player won't lose any lives if they're in constant contact with the white bunny. Overall, the animations are smooth and the game is well done!

The 3D models look great and create the exact type of atmosphere and environment a game like this should have. Exploring the different parts of the map was fun and the sound effects were perfect (especially the death sound effect). Overall, great work!

The game is aesthetically pleasing and the music matches well. I like how the baby follows the player after being found and how unique the level designs are. The tutorial is a nice touch and explains the interface well. I would suggest adding enemies to it since I couldn't immediately tell I was being attacked when it jumped from the tutorial to the game.

The overall mechanics of the game is simple and well done. I really like how much clarity the polished version has with the updated models compared to the first version. The mini portal tutorial was a great addition since I initially didn't realize they were portals before. I would suggest giving players a few seconds before setting the enemies into motion at the beginning of certain levels. There are a lot of different colors at work and it might be hard to determine the starting position of the player in time prior to moving.

I really like the cute cat theme of the game. The models and sprites were well done and the sound effects were well chosen. The boxes were a very lovely touch contributing to the cat theme. I suggest having the kittens follow the player after being collected or some UI indicating as such rather than just causing them to disappear.