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A member registered Apr 17, 2023

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(1 edit)

No they're not, you have to create them on your own

Good luck!

In the games description:


The project has many limitations, but in particular I want to list a few things that have been shown in the video series, but which are not available in the current project. (I know these discrepancies are annoying, and I apologize for them, but it's hard to avoid without slowing down work on the videos which are my main focus currently).

  • In episode 1, some groups of inputs/outputs have their decimal value displayed next to them. I plan to add this back in the future.
  • In episode 2, some signals are animated moving along the wires to help the explanation. This is currently not planned for the release version.
  • In episode 3, displays placed inside of a chip will be visible on the face of that chip when it's used inside of other chips. I still need to figure some stuff out with this feature, but it will be added in a future update.