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Christian Da

A member registered Nov 18, 2018

Recent community posts

Great demo. I like the first person platforming and combat. Feels responsive. Audio and visuals are top notch. Hoping there is increased mobility, pace, and difficulty in later levels.

I keep wanting the charged punch to propel me forward like Doomfist from Overwatch. Dashing and punching is equivalent but doesn't feel as cool. Probably because of enemy knockback. I only played one playthrough of the demo so I am sure I would get used to the game mechanics with more time.

Game feels good and has potential. Will it be possible to adjust the slow-mo sensitivity? I use low sensitivity and only get 10 degrees of movement with a full mouse pad (16 inch). Initially was hoping for no change in slow mo. After reading your comment, it makes sense to have it. Not sure if there is a solution for me other than increasing my sens. 

Small things that you may already be aware of... music would really add intensity, sometimes unclear if I hit enemy, level seems a bit big and open for this game mode, grunts every jump felt excessive and distracting (the last two comments weren't an issue once I played on the harder difficulties)