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A member registered Apr 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi, Thanks for your feedback. The graphics came out a lot worse than they did during development and I could not figure out why.  I would definitely make improvements in the future and I am glad that you had fun.

Hi, Thanks for your comment. Sound Effects and Music were things I wish I had more time for. I had to get the physics and environment working and ran out of time.  I am glad that you had fun though. 

Hi, Thanks for your comment. Keyboard support is not great, I only added it because it was required by the rules. Try playing with a controller instead, it should feel a lot better. 


Hi, Thanks for your comment. Keyboard support is not great, I only added it because it was required by the rules. Try playing with a controller instead, it should feel a lot better. Cheers

Hey man, this has deeper combat than most AAA games do. It is simple, exciting, and I absolutely love it.