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A member registered Jun 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks!!! The timeline was some short and more when The team is only one person but at least I was able to submit my project

I'm sorry I couldn't get the nav mesh to work on the top landscape, that's the reason there's only enemies on the ground

Detail to take into account

This game could not be packaged due to hardware limitations, and SDK incompatibility, but even so if you have a unreal engine you can play it, just download the win rar with the game files and open them from there so that you can play the two levels that i have elaborated, the name of playabke levels are:



Detalles a tener en cuenta

Este juego no pudo ser enpaquetado debido a limitaciones de hardware e incompatibilidad con el SDK, pero si aun asi tu tienes unreal engine puedes jugarlo solo descarga el win rar con los archivos del juego y abrelos desde ahi para que jueges los dos niveles que he elaborado, el nombre de los niveles son:

