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A member registered Oct 18, 2018

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completely bad


I play this game now since a long time (I cant tell since when) and yesterday I showed this game my friend. He told me some stuff to improove your game and I think maybe somthing will get into the game. First he said, that he would love if you could lean around edges like in Rainbow Six Siege (He plays it a lot). Second I told him that I play this for long time now and that there was a double jump, so that you could play that game like a JetPack Shooter. He said that this is a great idea (I think so too). Maybe you could add the DoubleJump like it was before with Boots on the ground so that it is normally boots on the ground and you can adjust that you can use doublejump. And third something I would like, would be a crosshair without perk. Its just my opinion and the crosshair is not so important, but it would be cool. Anyway it was the same everybody think like more weapons and more maps and stuff but I know you are working on it. I personally think you do a great job with this game (But please put doublejump back in the game :D) and I hope you continue programming on it.

Hope you are well


What for an shit! Every Test in The Internet is badder than this. You can ONLY come to Hufflepuff!