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A member registered Aug 22, 2015 · View creator page →

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i wasn't really sure what to expect going into this. i didn't really expect anything. a lot of games bill themselves as explorations of transness, and they're all of them good in their own right, but none of them ever really manage to capture how i feel.

every single thing about this game managed to grab a hold of me and drag me screaming back to times i thought i'd forgotten, to the afterschool ritual of checking forum posts and chatting with friends, to the first time someone thought i was a girl and how bad it felt to correct them, to the time i first learned about the idea of being trans and thought, "wait, you can just do that?"

someone else got it, and placed it into a thing i could experience again and again if i ever felt doubt, so i could be instantly teleported back to simpler days and reminded of where i came from. i've been confident in my gender presentation for years now, but for how often the word gets thrown around these days, playing this is the first time i've ever really truly felt valid.

thank you so much for this.