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A member registered Oct 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Whilst I did enjoy some aspects of the game, without a revision and reform by the developer, I would not play it again. Whilst I don't mind frustration-inducing games, this one was more frustrating than others.  When playing this sort of games, failure is to be expected and is often declared immediately. That is, as soon as I miss a jump, I am either given a clear second try or I fail immediately. That being said in this game, I would often fail a jump and land in a specific area where there would be more paths and enemies, leading me to believe that there was a second, optional path or, at the very least, a bonus section with additional rewards. That was not the case. I would often miss a jump, be stuck in an area, not able to go back to my initial position, and have to resort to suicide so I could complete the level. Whilst it is clear that the developer intended for players to fail often, I just wished said failure was communicated to me as soon as I performed the action, and not something I would only discover 10 seconds later. If I miss a jump and victory is not possible, just kill my character and reset the game. That being said, I can understand why playing this game with friends present could be extremely more engaging due to the entertainment factor of spectating someone you know, feel videogame induced frustration. I was also very amused by the audio design decisions. They fit well with the overall aesthetic and gameplay experience such as the background music and the mocking laughter every time I fell pray to the developers tricks and traps. Mechanics were simple, intuitive and responsive.  I look forward to experiencing this game in its finished state.