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A member registered May 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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I've added some WASD movement now, WASD to move, Space to shoot and Shift to dash. Let me know how it feels, I'm not sure about the space for shoot yet.

(1 edit)

Thanks for checking it out!

I agree! I've added some more visual queues in the latest update so let me know if that helps at all.

I've also added reload with the ability to spam the shoot button to reload quicker :)

I've been mucking around today and found that linking dashing to reloading just made me dash constantly whereas the dash will likely have timers associated or triggers so that limits it.  Assigning it to 'C' seemed to make the most sense given the finger used for firing can't be used while reloading anyway. Will let you know when it's up :)

Wow, thanks so much for the great feedback! Funny you mention GMTK as I am currently binging their stuff and am a bit bummed I won't be at home during the GMTK Game Jam coming up!

Defintely can do that! Screen shake is in there but it is very restrained, thinking an increase in values is needed, maybe with an 'off' button for accessibility. 

Still practicing on the music front but it is coming! The first attempts were a bit repetitive so trying to make music that is more bearable to listen too for longer runs. 

You aren't the first to mention the reloading either I just haven't quite worked out how to add it without over complicating the controls. Maybe just the interact button?

Thanks so much! There are plans for this current version to be an arcade mode with a story mode to come later with a metroidvania/roguelite genre, just got to keep learning!

Such a clever concept and great amount of polish!

So much fun and very hectic!

Great work getting so much done in a short time! Definitely something I am trying to learn!

Such a simple yet addictive mechanic! Would love for this to be fleshed out more maybe managing multiple towers also!

Cool concept! I noticed a few glitches with enemy spawning and it'd be awesome if there was also some form of visual feedback of when you could shoot. Also, is there a way to exit the game when in it?

Full screen mode can now be enabled through F11 :) Do you use an Xbox controller?

Will add them to the list! Thanks for checking it out!