Hi. Where can I buy a physical version of this in the UK? I missed the Kickstarter (though I did just back Pico! Very excited)
Recent community posts
Read through and this looks pretty cool, like an analog stardew. I have a question about crops though - how do you determine how much you harvest? Is it a card draw like for meat and if so how many cards? And you mention replanting - how many seeds do you get per pound of crop? You also have a time cost for harvesting but not planting, guessing you're gonna add all this stuff later on. Excited to see how this develops 😊
Hi. I bought a physical copy of this game at leisure games in London. I grabbed a community copy so I could print out the character sheet but since I already own it maybe you want to restock it?
Anyway it's an awesome game, I just reread the borrowers and I'm excited to create my own. I generally play solo and the rules are easily adaptable for that, which is really nice.
Hey, I grabbed a community copy and gave this a quick run through. I died in room 9 (although I had three swords at this point...). Those slurpers are vicious.
This was a lot of fun, thank you. I'm going to play through a few more times, because I never rolled a social or challenge, but how do I find more games like this? I've played corny grón and dark fort.