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A member registered Mar 08, 2022

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put a good amount of VFX in this video and I LOVED this game!

Here's my highly edited 4k take of the game! It was SO FUN honestly, loved the jumpscares and the slender man feel of it! 

and also finishing the game quickly in like 5 minutes or whatever lol! def check it out!


Here's my take on this game with a little VFX added to the comedy gameplay, awesome game looking forward to playing a longer version! 

I really enjoyed this game and editing it with so many effects was a blast too! definitely worth checking out! :D

Here's my highly edited take on the game, super fun, super scary you guys did a great job, this video is upscaled to 4k so check it out! 

I tried this game out today and It was actually funny and i loved the concept, here's my take on it ! :D

Loved the game so far and I had a really fun time editing THE JEEZ out of it for laughs, here's my take on the demo ! (Highly edited, 4k60fps, comedy)

very fun game, had a blast playing it and an even better time editing it for laughs! 

Loved the game, super ominous and still enough action to edit the frick out of it for entertainment! here's my video take on it

I really enjoyed this game, the way it crashed every time you lost had me dying lol here's my take and edits on the playthrough