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Chewie The Wookie

A member registered Jul 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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:O this opens up so many possibilities. What if you have an NPC called "game"and he is a liar? :O

Here you go:

- sword fighting but the swords are pinnoccio noses

- game where the medkits damage you and the enemies heal you

- platformer but the platforms are not always solid

- game where you turn out to be the badguy

- controls keep changing 

- entire tutorial is a lie

- guess which fact is false (quiz type game)

- Portal: cake is a lie (jk XD)

cool thanks

Whaat if you made a platformer where some platforms don't work? Some call it bad collision programming, some call it sticking to the theme :D

I want to make a kind of puzzle game escape room maze thing with traps. Are we allowed to use blood or is that nsfw?

Just have one of the dialogue options be "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER?!?!?"

Yeah I expected something simple like "speed" or "colour" or "love".

My first Idea was swordfighting but everyone is pinoccio and uses their noses.  Feel free to use this Idead cause idk how to execute it and also it's sorta weird

color or art