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A member registered Jun 23, 2018

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Any chance of selling the full game here, for those of us who can't or won't use Steam?

I like the idea of this game, and it looks like it could turn into something worthwhile. It's hard to give feedback on something that's so early in development, but here's some notes I took after playing for a while:

* Need adjustable crosshair size, because it's tiny on a 4k monitor. Adjustable colour would be good too.

* The game should pause when looking at the map etc. It's no fun being shot while trying to navigate.

* Health regen is far too fast. Having any at all makes you effectively invulnerable.

* You can pick an already equipped weapon as the reward when exiting a level, which removes it, potentially leaving you without a weapon.

* Bosses need to be much harder. They don't have much in the way of weaponry, and don't chase you if you snipe them from out of range.

* Some weapons collide with your own sprite, e.g. the shotgun projectiles are blocked by your hind legs.

* If you pick up the Bionic Tentacles, then the next time you change level it will get stuck on the loading screen.

* It's not clear what weapons count as primary or secondary before picking them up.

* Pressing up when hacking should go back through the command history, so if you typo a file name, you can correct it rather than having to type it all again.

At the time of writing, this game has no gameplay screenshots, only one one-word comment, a 2-star rating, and there's no other information about it anywhere out on the 'net. This makes me sad because it means that most people coming here will assume it's a bad game and pass it over. It's most certainly not a bad game though! Here's a short review so you can have a better idea of what to expect.

First of all, the worst part is the art. The backgrounds are AI generated. The character art is good enough, but all the characters are the same base with only different clothes and hair. The rest of the art is... well, at least it's clearly made by a human.

The writing on the other hand is good, despite having quite a few spelling mistakes. Really good in fact. Even though I'm not much of a fan of visual novels, this one had me so engrossed that I put in the effort to hunt down every possible ending, of which there are 15, plus a few others that aren't counted (like if you fail so badly you die). The characters all have distinct and believable personalities (Coffee-chan is my favourite). There are a lot of meaningful choices to make, and there are a large number of wildly different paths through the game. There is a lot of humorous fourth-wall breaking.

Although there are romantic endings for some of the charaters, I don't think the "dating simulator" tag fits.

And that's it. You should definitely play "A Peppering Of Death". And learn how to use scissors.