that was so fucking good we played this 2 days ago and can’t stop thinking about it. you made a game that targets us so hard in aesthetics, plot, themes, worldbuilding, and characters. we love the horrors and weird cute pervert girls
A member registered May 20, 2020
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The Lovely Estate - Chapter One community · Replied to chillworksdev in [BUG] unable to move/interact/go to menu
The Lovely Estate - Chapter One community · Created a new topic [BUG] unable to move/interact/go to menu
Twice now, after finishing dialogue with a character, Karla will be completely stuck in place. Additionally, I will be unable to go to the menu or interact with a character despite being in range (the first time this happened the prompt showed up, but the second time there was no prompt). I've also had some issues getting the dialogue option buttons to work but ultimately they will if I just click them a few times.
I see that a lot of these are issues that other people have reported, but I myself have not been able to find any workaround or solution to the game locking up like this, aside from having to completely restart it.
Electric Zine Maker (a work in progress, be gentle, hug it often) comments · Posted in Electric Zine Maker (a work in progress, be gentle, hug it often) comments
Episode 4 of EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER is out now! comments · Replied to Heather Flowers in Episode 4 of EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER is out now! comments