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A member registered 53 days ago

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Hello i have an issue. The files do not install for me. I have tried both links, and past ones(as far as 0.6 7 but no joy. I have installed new apk installers that are better to standard Playstore/Samsung ones. 

The file downloads but when it comes to the staging process it works and asks "cancel/Install". After i click install, where normally it would do the process and then say "app installed" it instead tried to execute the command but ends  with "app not installed" i checked the file manager and it appears to me that it installed 99% of the file but fails somewhere towards the end. 

I have a Samsung A21s. Maybe it's my device that is incompatible, or maybe the file themselves no longer work after the newest updates to Android. Can anyone help me with this. It could maybe be an issue on my end but i think it's to do with the APK it's self. Ideally if the dev could do a check for himself on both links it'd be the best confirmation.