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A member registered Mar 12, 2022

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Damn, I adore Oz already. He's such a strong personality! I love that he's a firecracker but also reasonable, and can be civil. Usually archetypes like that are just bitchy for no reason but he's such a perfect mix. <3

I also love the protagonist and that I can choose to be chill if desired. Such a cool concept in general. Can't wait for more content. <3 <3

tbh, that's what's sad about it for us kinky people lol

Game's not out. When it is, just pick the options that will not interact with men that much. *shrug*

I've read that you will be able to add jealousy and literally rubbed my hands together lmao. DRAMA HERE I COME MY DARLING.

RIGHT? The noise I let out after seeing the Strade poster was ungodly lmao.

Ok this game looks AMAZING. It does not look like a first project at all?  Just all-around GREAT. I love the options, I love the art, I love the menu style. I'm already obsessed with the characters lmao. I want MOAAR. Time to turn to social media stalking lol. Side characters alone look beyond interesting but Delivery Guy presses on that "obsession" part of my brain and... Well.

PC: This is Rasmus. He's an asshole and a bully, and I hate him.

Me, immediately: 😍

Damnit, not again with the "hot bully" trope. My little masochistic brain can't take it. *sighhhh*

One complaint I have - maybe it's just me but PC comes across as a Karen to me sometimes? Like complaining about manners, and being weirdly judgmental for literally no reason, and I'm there like cmon man, give it a rest lol. If we had a bit more PC personality diversity (like making those lines optional/having a different choice tree without it having any bearing on the plot - just a personal choice), or even just toned down, it would be perfect for me heh.

Nope. It's something different entirely. What you're talking about is more purposefully noticeable because the game sort of makes a point of choosing for you. In my game, it sometimes "looped" like... Let's say you have a text saying "You and B ate grass together. They reached over to pat your head. You mooed". In my game it would start going like "You and B ate grass together. They reached over to pat your head. You mooed. They reached over to pat your head. You mooed. You and B ate grass together. They reached over to pat your head. You and B ate grass together. ". It just looped for some reason and would fix itself if I pressed "skip". I thought it was this game but I freshly downloaded some other project and the same thing happened - and I'm pretty sure it was the same engine. Don't remember now. Maybe the issue was on me but it was just really weird, never seen something like that before. In any case - if someone else has a similar issue, pressing "skip" fixes it (but also moves you to the choice option, obviously lol).

(1 edit)

I really like this game. It's very promising. The Yandere is proper mix of cute and terrifying, I love that you get the options to "click" at things to get different MC comments, the "glitchy" segments, overall cool effects + it's the most "advanced" pronoun choice options I've seen in my life. But I have two criticismS:

1. the dialogue/scenes are looping sometimes? 

(edit, I don't think it's specifically a problem with this game but it's either on me or the engine is fucking up? Because I just played a different visual novel and the same thing happened - the scenes are going back and forth instead of progressing, unless you press the "skip" button. Idk what's up with that.)

2. There's no exit button. I know this is such a little thing but I was staring at the menu for like  5 minutes like a dummy. 😭