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A member registered Mar 29, 2023

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I will start this review off by saying I like this Visual novel a lot I wasn't expecting much but what here is it's not bad so far I will wait and see if it's going to be a dud like Harem hotel or if will it be a good VN to replay now and then.

Pros: Great puzzles and great build I am definitely into this story and the mystery of this world and the scoop of it I like the church case I got to play so far while not finished it's well-paced so far. I like the choices they have been paying off in some decent twist I was expecting.

Cons: I think making the mc a horny jackass isn't the way to go with him I was hoping he would have some self-control so he wouldn't be lured into traps in the future or currently. and some of the models looked off-textured from what I have seen in the beta build.

Overall I think Deviant is the way to go with VN adds some nice point-and-clicks and finding clues Vixie is my fav character vix and moon being said Deviant is a 7 out of 10 for the VN genre its good I can't wait for more and I will be supporting the dev the future.