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A member registered Jan 14, 2024

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The script is actually really good,  I have gone back and tried different options, I didn't think I was that bad at blowdarts, but hey-ho.............

As some of the comments state below, if you don't have a certain item, it shouldn't appear as an option (like the "IF You have it")... besides, why can't I buy all the items and decide which one I want to use (especially if I have the silver)?

Something that  will really help with the immersion is some basic Background music/sounds. When you talk about river, Bushes, fir, wind , blow darts missing...etc. I can picture in my head what they sound like, it would be good to hear them when you flick to the next section. Maybe even record some "jibberish noises" when speaking to a character.

Keep it up!