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A member registered Sep 14, 2020

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I would like that in the game they put the option to add friends, because there are times when you have to play with very nice people and because you can't add friends, you don't play with them anymore. It would be something very good that when you create a private room you invite the friends that are connected and you can play with them. Because there are times when you are with people who are not very nice or people who are not your age, with whom you cannot talk/express yourself in the same way as with someone of legal age who understands more about the game.


Me gustaría que en el juego pongan la opción de agregar amigos, porque hay veces que te toca con personas muy agradables y por no poder agregar amigos, ya no vuelves a jugar con ellos. Seria algo muy bueno que cuando crees una sala privada le des a invitar a los amigos que estén conectados y puedas jugar con ellos. Porque hay veces que te toca con gente no muy agradable o gente que no tiene tu misma edad, con la que no puedes hablar/expresarte de la misma forma que como con alguien mayor de edad que entiende mas del juego.