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A member registered Jan 27, 2021

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I've heard tales of a shotgun being added. I'm begging you: no
Its going to be like a noob level sniper. The fact that the headshot hit box is so huge in this game is not going to balance with a shotgun. Either make it like a 725 (but with slower reload) or make this thing  an all around two shot. I'm just having PTSD from the shotguns in RushTeam that can literally cross map you with one shot.....

Hello. This is Centipede,  Assistant of Death-Squad. I will be answering some questions as well as asking some of my own.  

UNKNOWNXGAMERZ, you will find that if you switch weapons it will cancel the reload of any weapon that was in use. simply switch to your knife as this will increase your mobility. 

As for sliding, in my opinion this would be impractical. Lol I can just imagine people sliding to their deaths ontop of the cargo crates in Oro, or into the rivers in Small Town.....maybe that would be a good idea...

Now some personal opinions of my own. I think the function of the weapons shooting is quite ridiculous. Ex: I'm shooting and the bullets magically start going above my Red Dot? I'm sure this was intentional in order to make getting kills more skillful?...... Solution: Allow the bullets to remain in the dot but add actual gun recoil.

I'd also think Clan/Player name changing would be very beneficial, as well as a Friend Request system of some kind.