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A member registered Dec 01, 2022

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Oops, to clarify, I was talking about the heal power-up, not a regular pickup.

I tried the demo myself. There are a few issues I wanted to bring up:

-When backpedaling, kicking won't work but hitting the key still consumes stamina.
-I've gotten two gunmen to pick a fight with each other and they really struggle to hit each other at point-blank range. They kind of aim off to the side at each other's feet.
-During one instance where I drew and kicked a bomb at a group of zombies, the bomb veered off to the left as it tried to hit a gunman on an elevated platform.
-I got stuck in a small corner near where the heal pickup is. As soon as you grab it and turn left, look left again before heading down the path to the right and you'll see a tube with some zombie inside. I went behind that and got caught inside a corner between some boxes when I fell through the opening.

Those aside, I love the sound design. It's so dang crisp! I also really enjoy watching the sprites go full 3d as they helplessly flop around in the air when you slide into them. It's quite humorous. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this.

Watched ABG's video just a moment ago. I'm very interested in this game, but will you either provide an alternative set of imagery to the sudden hallucinations or some option to turn them off? That instantaneous flashing of white is extremely unpleasant.

I recommend checking out Alpha Beta Gamer's YouTube channel for a playthrough on this game to check if you might be doing something wrong.

Atmosphere in this game was great. I went and checked out Damp too. Have you played the old ps1 King's Field games? If not, they'd definitely be right up your alley if you can find them.