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A member registered Feb 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Don't worry about it! Afterall I should be the one thanking you xD. Your the one who made this amazing and planned out story. <3

(2 edits)

I beat it finally only took me 3 hours though xD. Best dating sim i've ever played. (its my first one...) I love it. And i would really appreciate  more people to fall in love with, possibly a even longer story. And if it's no problem a saving mechanic so we players don't have to  skip constantly to get where we are! Overall your game is still amazing and I loved the hard work and effort you put into the characters and story. Anyway this was Anorexiella and <3 you.

This story is nice so far. I just hate starting all over again to get where I was! But it's alright still a bomb ass game. <3