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A member registered Dec 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was brillant 

Thank you I really liked your game, especially the boat pannel taht felt so fragile


ok that was smart

That was intense !

Je n'avais pas lu ta description avant de lancer le jeu mais ça m'a tout de suite fait penser  à ce monument.
Et ce que tu dit sur l'ambiguité entre espace ludique et espace de mémoire, effectivement quand je l'avais visité j'y avais joué à cache cache avec mon frère avant de réaliser que c'était inapproprié

Très chouette

I have a problem, the page appear to be automaticaly zoomed in and I can't play like this, am I the only one with this issue ? 

very nice 
Boing boing !

Mindblowing experience. I truly found myself !

Thanks you ! Sorry for the spelling ! 

Visually its much better, its nice to see the full flower , but the problem is that the tab doesnt work because the website interface is interfering, so it seem I cannot modify the flower which is sad

Its a nice Flower generator you got there. I really enjoyed it.
I have one problem with it though : the game windows is not centered, a part of the flower is cropped and I cant enjoy it as much as i would want to. I tried this on two different navigator and I had the same result. I dont know if you inted to keep working on this , but maybe a full screen option would fix this ? 

Why would it ?

Je ne peux pas jouer au jeu, il affiche un message d'erreur ça fout le seum il avait l'air très cool

Ça ferait un bon rogue like non ?