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A member registered Nov 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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When I ran the game on Firefox (on Windows), the game would error out over something to do with the Leaderboard server, (Cross Origin Isolation was mentioned) but only if I didn't launch the frame in a new tab. I played the game on Edge instead, but there I discovered a bug  (with the game) where you can launch the game by scrolling the scroll wheel, and it causes the game to launch in a glitched, graphically inverted state. The Leaderboard didn't work for me as well in either browser, but it might be a configuration issue.

Regarding the game itself, it was fine. I would have preferred if the game wouldn't randomly serve up the same game multiple times in a row, and the lack of a proper transition out of the mini game when it is completed or finished was jarring. But the mini-games were well executed, even if a little simple, and mostly easy aside from the clock one, which I occasionally failed because I forgot that the clock arms have to be moved at the tips. 

Regardless, this game made great use of the 120 seconds theme, and good use of the transition theme. (The lightning bolts were a nice touch) And as a WarioWare fan, you managed to do a good job of replicating it for this game jam.