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I like the various use of different mechanics, it's super impressive! The random generation makes it a lot of fun because then you can't just memorize the way out for the next playthrough. I definitely needed a lot of luck to make it to the end haha

I like how you can never really reach the end, fits very well with the poem and overall theme of limited time

The color changing mechanic was so cool! Took me an embarrassingly long time to clear some of the harder levels but it was a lot of fun

Yesss I was also thinking of crossy road! When I realized we were supposed to fill in the empty spots that definitely motivated me to keep playing and see what happens. I also like that there were multiple difficulty levels to choose from

At first I thought I had it then it started speeding up super fast and I kept dying haha. Had a lot of fun trying to beat the high score of 30

This game was so cool! I'm curious how the animation for pulsing circle round the player sphere was done.

Took me a while to figure out the game controls but it definitely contributed to the experience/theme of the game! The aesthetic design of the level and the falling particles look really cool too.

Died in an instant first round lol honestly so real. Really enjoyed the concept it conveyed the meaning of the game very well and was fun to play! Agree with others that it reminded me of flappy bird.

I also wasn't able to get it to work on WEB for me lol but I agree the game was super fun! I like the level design a lot.

Honestly so relatable. I love the replayability of the game I keep wanting to get a higher score

The art for this game is so gorgeous! I remember seeing it on Bluesky and was super excited to play it because the imagery looked so intriguing. Love the mysteriousness of everything.

The inclusion of all these RPG mechanics was so impressive! I just kept pummeling my way through the enemies until the end lol. It was a lot of fun playing through, I wonder how a lot of the mechanics were implemented coding wise?

This was super funny! I loved the images that accompanied the text, really puts it all together and adds to the humor. I got fired my first play through for trying to fire Timmy. No job and worse, no burrito.

This was such a fun concept! Being able to walk around in the little terrain I created was really cool. I liked that we were able to cycle through the different color choices before deciding on one.

I love the amount of content this game has! Makes me want to go through multiple times and choose all the text options to see what happens. It's very nostalgic even though I never lived in West Village it reminded me a lot of my freshman year.

Lowkey same. It was very philosophical. Great combination of humor and seriousness to get you invested in going along with your new squid friend!

This game was super funny and very meta! Love the sense of humor. I also like the various use of mechanics, such as button presses, clicking on screen, and the timer for downloading Unity Hub.

Love the concept of this game! I had a lot of fun rolling for different life forms and seeing what I got. My very first creation was myself, a god. Then I made humans and killed them. Then I made a redwood tree and was kind of sad when it died. I like how there's a little story for each of the life forms.

Damn this was really existential lol but also super cool concept. Got a 99 in attractiveness at the end but balanced it out with 0 Dex. The music was a really nice touch too, added to the atmosphere a lot. 

I also did a pacifist run! It was so cute how we could befriend the skeleton and golem. I also noticed the arrow keys causing movement, it really added to the immersion imo. The animations were super impressive too! Felt like a combination of Skyrim and Undertale.

I agree it was super funny! The art style fits really well with the humor too, reminds me of like Hatoful Boyfriend and other parody dating sim games. Definitely would be interested in seeing a more expanded version with the different dialogue options.

Love the style and UI of the game, really adds to the mysterious aspect. The typing animation is really cool too. I like how it keeps things just vague enough for you to keep wanting to know more and keep replaying to get all the endings.

Oh wow this game was really cool stylistically. I like that you can see the grinders as the text plays to foreshadow what’s coming. Makes the whole thing more ominous. The ending animation with the tiles dropping is really impressive too. Was the animation done in unity or another program?

I was thinking this game reminded me of SCP or ARGS, then I saw it was inspired by the Magnus Archives at the end! Love the concept and aesthetic. Is the ending set to a timer or is it dependent on how many times you click the options?

I really like the concept of the game. Very peaceful and immersive dialogue, feels like you’re really in the garden with him. I wonder if this games depicting a version of the afterlife?

I like that it reloads you from your last checkpoint when you die. Took a few deaths before I made it to the safe house lol. Were the checkpoints coded to send you back to the previous scene if you died?

This was a super creative concept! Being able to see the leaderboard at the end really brings out the competitive side lol. I wonder how it was coded so the rhythm matches up with what you type?

the visuals of this game look amazing! I like that there’s an option to read the background story too. I also love how every time you go in you can explore a new location, how was that coded? My favorite artifact I found was the diary fragment 📖

Super cute game! I love the visuals and concept makes me want to go to a candy store now 😋🍭 The rolling mechanic for the gum ball machine is really cool. Took 15 tries to get a blue gum ball the first time around but after that I got the color I wanted almost right away. Also didn’t realize there were yellow gum balls until the last round I played, are the yellows just scaled to show up less or is that just luck if the draw?