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Oppo The ExpungedCat

A member registered Aug 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game is very cute! I love the attention to detail in game and the music! The gameplay is kinda hard to get used to if you don't have any experience playing rhythm games, but that's okay! I have a lot of experience playing rhythm games so I didn't have much of an issue. Some verses in Cream Cheese Icing and Grease Poppin' are a bit of a pain to pass, but enough practice will get you to passing them.

I was so excited to see D+B Mega Games on here! TYSM

No es un virus. No le hizo daño a mi computadora portátil

"S" I think

ayo this is cool!

When you create a new song, enter "2"on the number of soundtracks. You first choose your instrumental track, then your voice track. I learned this while making a rechart of Transgression-F

It isn't. It isn't seeming to do any harm on my laptop. So it's 100% safe ^w^

Also, surprisingly we have the same pfp XD

Thanks ^w^

Does anyone know how to add hold notes in the game? I'm confused