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cat Butler

A member registered 93 days ago · View creator page →

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thank you soo much! ill finally be able to get all endings :D

i got for now : watching,......... its juliest then romeo......., life goes on........, blood thirsy,.....stressed out......pitiful death......dead end....... basement......and finally lovely .i really tried being nice or mean or get close to every character exept tom and nothing really worked . :< thank u soo much for helping out

hey i really liked the game and got in total 9 endings tho whatever i do i still cannot get the 10th ending. i really searched anywhere but i cannot find anyone giving this kind of information i really want to finish the game

i absolutely adored the game! i find the visuals and symbolim very charming and delightful . love the effort put in every route . and the soudtracks match every scenes . overall i enjoyed playing it and had fun collecting all endings

it's not a mobile gaame. you can't do that