Really enjoyed this one ! Never played MSX game, but maybe I should check some of them out, if they are anywhere near this fun.
PS : I hope some madman will attempt the IRON MAN run.

I don't play that many GB studio games, just because they all fell kinda same-ish, but I knew I have to try this one as soon as I saw the screenshots. I absolutely love all the designs and atmosphere of the game. The level design and gameplay is really fun as well.
Only thing that was little bit of a letdown are the boss battles. All of them were little bit too easy and basic. But I understand that this was a Jam go with strict deadline.
I am really looking forward to your next project.
Btw. I once got this error when existing the START menu. Not sure what caused it.
Just finished 100% run of Toree 2 on my Switch, now onto the Bonus content.
I loved the speedrunning aspect, all the levels are really well design and figuring out ways how to cut my time down was fun. I only played the first level of bonus update and I loved it. It feels like perfect evolution and the low poly charm is up to the roof.
My only complain would be about the bonus CD collecting. I was really looking forwards to exploring all the levels with Macbat but he is just sooo slow, and going though the spread out levels was just a bore. So I ended up googling the locations of some harder to find CDs. He would be more fun if he was 2-3 times quicker and maybe if jump was turbo-buton for him(ala Joust or Baloon Fight).
Toree may be just a bird with no special abilities, but he knows how to rock it. Perfect vibes, perfect lowpoly graphics, kickass music. This is a steal for 1$.