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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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Hello, I like the game a lot, I especially like how you provide so many abilities to play with. 

I think there needs to be more puzzles, by the end of the demo managing the board got less interesting as I had good general strategies for each layout.

It could also be interesting to experiment with multiple sizes of board (maybe 4x4-6x6, maybe even non-square boards), although you'd have to look at balance as that would make the consumables even more OP.

Also, entering the stairs in the upper right of the second area shouldn't immediately end your game, I was curious if there would be anything back there like with the other set of stairs and hadn't actually finished all the encounters yet.

Overall this is a great base and I'm really excited to see where this game goes!

I'll definitely be back for the updates!馃榾