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EE Gaming

A member registered Mar 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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If you had a few animations, it would make it look and feel better. Nice work.

I love the look and feel of the game. Nice idea about the hot tea. Awesome work! 

Nice game. Wish could jump through platform to make it a bit easier. Heaps good game for just 1 day!

Great game. I had a bit of trouble with the screen size and the camera view was a bit too fast for me but nice work making a 3d game!

Short but sweet. I like the look. Nice work

Check point would be good. I like the style, maybe a better walk animation could work.  I played in browser so didn't hear the sound. Great work!

I like the low poly look.  Some sound would be good. It was bit difficult to navigate.  3d is the hardest,  good job giving it a go!

I love the towel whip. Cool idea.  Nice work!

Player had good movement, maybe think able limiting double jump. it's a bit OP.   Nice work!

Great game! just needs sound.  Awesome overheat mechanics!  

I love the artwork! 

I like the look and the sound. The moving machinic was a bit tricky to get use to but was good once I got it. Nice work! 

The overheat mechanism works well. The music is good. Nice job

I like how it a good way to learn typing. Needs to be expanded a bit more. Nice work

Nice framework for a game. Just needs a bit more to do. Nice work.

Good base to a game. Just some more things to do.

That is the best game I have played in this Jam so far.  heaps about it was cool. The overheat element works well and I love the way you pop out of the toaster between level, the music. Totally awesome work!

I like playing. Would be good if had some sound. Great work!

Nice player movement. Nice sound. Great work!

Awesome game! I love the artwork and the sounds are good.  Challenging play but heaps of fun.  

Love the look and the sound. Fun to play, there is no way I could not speed run it but that's says more about me then the game. Nice work!

Didn't work in my browser. But screenshot look amazing! Hope you can fix it.

Awesome shooting sound! Hard to control but that part of the fun. Nice work!

Good game. I like the walking animation and the soundtrack. Fun little shooter.

I love the look and the sound. It was challenging, wish the shield was a bit stronger. Nice work!

Top game, it was a little hard but that's part of the fun. Nice work!

Fun game, It's hard but still good to play. Nice work 

I love it! I like the look and the mechanics. It's a good balance of difficulty. Great job!

Funny!  Needs a bit of animations and maybe some music, the cool down on the white platform was to slow. 

Had a fun time playing.  Nice work.

Nice work with the models.  Nice player movement.  It was a little hard for me but great job.

I like the crazy bounce around mechanic. It was tricky to get control.  Overall nice idea just needs a bit more, like timer and better ending. Nice work!

I love the look of this game! Movement was a bit fast for me, and I wish it had a ladder climbing animation. Overall tip top game. 

(2 edits)

Loved it, would like to see some sound and a few other things to do. It took me 540 seconds to finish. Nice work!

I like the customization of the car. But how the heck did someone get 17 seconds. I just made the leaderboard . Nice work.

I love the idea. I found it pretty hard to play, I wish the jetpack fuel just lasted a little longer. Nice work!

Fast and responsive movement, really hard once you get to the 2nd screen. I loved the music! 

Pretty cool Doctor, Fights cancer and can fly fighter jets! 

Fun game but I found music to intense.