Have you tried putting this plugin high on the list?
This plugin does not need to be on high priority, so put it on top, it kindda crashed to me if I put it on high priority, but works perfectly if I got it on lower priority
Lets say I use the default battle system
If I make a dual and not use any of Yanfly battle plugins, If I make a dual skill
Will Both actors turn be consumed or both actors will be able to act anyways?
I dont get if its that only the actor that uses the "Component Skill" its used, or if the skill will be used when the actor who casted it acts
Example: Actor A uses skill and acts first so the dual is used inmediately
I mean, If both actors turn is used this is perfect for me as I want to use the traditional turn battle and I can still use the traditional "Paralize status" but if the all actors turn are consumed I'm ok if the one casting decides the moment its used
I believe you should considere this couple of points
- The MC should be human:
If the MC its the Player, then it should be a loyal representation of them or a blank character
Makes sense as if not then it means the "Adventurer" is another person, which should not be if its a representation of the Player, a blank human shade as Portrait also works
- There is no music (I'm playing on android, so bug or normal?):
I know it must be temporal, but you should try to get it before adding new stuff, and I mean, its not necesary to have a million tracks for every escene, tracks can be reused as Beach, town, and other themes with maybe separated themes for anomalous areas
And IDK, if there is music then maybe I found a bug :v
If not you should try to check that over before adding content, as there should be some music, and placeholders are not a bad idea as well, free to use music is good as a placeholder for original tracks
I mean, IDK, I just feel its a little weird, like, I dont complain of magic or clothes, but IDK, I feel is hot when you see stuff and It makes a perfect sense in the mind, or IDK, the game does not need to change, I just believe it could be hot if some guys muscles were nerfed for aesthetics, still being Bara of course, Bara men are still hot, dont get me wrong
I respect your opinion too, but I dont mean that the Bara is the problem, I mean more of logics, I mean, the bara is valid, but muscles are unbalanced, to me, Bara is when you see guys on top condition having romance, but in this case the downside is that it maybe goes a little over the lines of bara, making it really uncomfortable for some in some instances
I can make a comparision, the Blacksmith is one of those who are unbalanced and have muscles that dont make a lot of sense, while the lizard hunter of the swamp is great because his anatomy is bigger, but balanced, making it more appealing
My point is that you can survive a night with the lizard, but not with the blacksmith
This is my opinion, The game's story is great, and the characters are very likeable
But in the downside, I feel the designs sizes should be normalized, they are buffer than they should, like, how are you supposed to survive a night with them?
I mean, if they are big its ok, but the musculature feels unbalanced sometimes like with the blacksmith
At least with the human characters, Lycans and Lizardmen look more realistic somehow as their proportions feel more balanced
I feel like female designs are more appealing on this game as they feel more realistic and inmersive on the sizes
I like the game, hehe, but I have a question, did the protagonist always
(Spoiler Warning)
Did the MC always enrraged in the 3rd day?
I could swear he was crying when I readed it first time, maybe I were very tired as I readed this at night, tbh, Idk, I liked it, but if it never happened then I guess its fine
Damn... Thats duckin' true...
I can say for sure he was a complete d--k, like, if THAT was his final breaking point I can say Teak was a complete hipocrite, He litterally Logged on Shelter, attacked the main Mechanic even if the guy himself did not had a f--king idea of what he was, harrased the main chief of social relations, got a lot of friends and admirers and got a big dog as captain of his party, and the jerk had the AUDACITY of get in the worst moment posible with the main dogs and the dude who LITTERALLY RUNS THE PLACE ALONE just to tell them, NO, BOSS THEM, to get the human out just because he got all conspiranoic
Damn, he sure was an ungrateful idiot, hot or not, he never wanted to live, he was just a spiteful bastard, I guess people who ask the Route have not made the 100% of the game
Without being disrespectful, I think its fine in various aspects but it needs fixes in some stuff as a lot of people say, but about the speed, well, I can say that visual novels are slower than the average story because they can use more time telling stuff than comics, Tv Shows and Animated Series, given the ability of showing more with less resources, and also, that the player can read it calmly or extremely fast but looking at the pictures, I can recomend that it should take its time to move and just describe more the stuff, like, more dialogue, and maybe longer descriptions because the dialogues dont need an entire drawing to have the characters talking
Also, the characters are bigger than they should, I recomend making them X1.25 or X1.5 the size of a human being, because in real life its probable that a lot of them would not be taller than 2.72 meters (Higher recorded in human history [AKA: Extremely Rare])
Also... MC's Name is weird, Who calls someone like that in this world?
In fantasy is posible, but not in our Normal Land [xl]