Well done. Patience is a virtue. And thanks for making the videos, it looks harder than I remember!
Carleton Handley
A member registered Feb 04, 2020 · View creator page →
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A *FREE* logic based puzzle game coded for the Reset64 4KB Craptastic Game competition
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Millie and Molly (C64) comments · Replied to BLAST ANNUAL RETRO BOOK in Millie and Molly (C64) comments
Thanks for these kind words.
I did consider the multiple square control but as you suggest it would take the code over the file limit. Those are the sort of things which can be added when polishing a title but the 4k comp often limits that kind of work. Which is why I entered it really, a big problem with starting projects is feature creep which means you add more and more stuff and never actually finish the game.
As for Grid Pix DLC I'll speak to James and see if we can release it.
Here's a video explaining the rules:
(179) Nurikabe Tutorial - #1 Rules - YouTube
And here's a follow up explaining how to solve a puzzle:
(179) Nurikabe Tutorial - #2 Solving a Puzzle - YouTube