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Careless Pandas

A member registered May 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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love the idead, amazing game!

You tic tac instead of wallrun thats why (If you dont know what a tic tac is, its a parkpur move where you kick the wall to clear the object or to get to wherever you need)

I loved the game and I found a bug:

In the first level of the campain the windmill is hard to get up and kind of broken.

I think you should also think you shoul add hitmarks and make the crosshair a little bit bigger because it can be very op, for example the sniper is very op without the scope unless the enemy is so far that you can't see the enemy.

Except that the game is AMAZING and I love it very much!

Good luck and have fun there !!!

good job

Hope you will succeed!
