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A member registered Mar 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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theoretically as long as you use the default tool the pencil tool and 1-6 pixel size you should be fine

Theoretically yes. as long as you only use the default pencil tool with the default brush. you should also use 1-6 pixels as your width. 

thanks, im definitly going to emulate the restrictions im just on linux and linux doesnt have ms paint (i know unbelivable)

haha thats fair enough. just one thing when exporting make sure to tick include pck in the export options. decent first game though

yeah... first game if i ever update it i will get rid of that level!

i noticed there was a duplicate level after submission. its my first real game and if i update it i will fix it ;

also i like your username to much

haha really? thats funny I never used headphones so if i ever update it I will fix it!

Really? i didnt notice that issue there is a problem on  firefox so maybe download it or use chrome.

I noticed after submission... I didnt have time to fix it before submission. thanks for the feedback


you didnt make the zip a web project... so i need to download it and un it on my own server

use the HTML export and make a itch page ;)

what is the name of the game? it looks interesting

(1 edit)

you should be able too... block based coding is allowed

Not everyone uses Windows... there are some insanly nice development tools and software for linux.

I would recommend godot. it is easy to learn and GDscript is based on python

I am using on ubuntu and wondered if i could participate with gimps pencil tool which is really just the pencil in ms paint... if not can anyone recommend me a better alternative.