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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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Cool game and I beat it less than a min I should become a speedrunner

Your knight sprite is adorable I love your artstyle

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You're so cool I love playing as DaneJCamacho while picking up litter. When I opened the game the window zoomed in too much and I couldn't see the full screen, so idk how many litters I picked up

Love the dino hehehee. It would be cool if the pillars had physics, and I think their hit boxes are a little off. It's a little frustrating that you die if you go off screen at the top at all. You're so cool and I'm your biggest fan

Tried playing with track pad but the tongue wouldn't stick so I couldn't move. This is sooooo cute though and I really love this idea!

LOL this was funny. Crazy cat is right!!!