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A member registered Jul 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I had an issue with automatically jumping every few seconds, but the level design was really cool. I liked the gun, enemies, and the street sweeper was nice touch. 

Yes, I'm in your class, sorry for the late reply. This is Michael Knapp.

It's a cool idea, but I encountered some issues.

I liked the 2D visual style, but I had no idea what to do. And I tried clicking on just about everything.

The feed and exit buttons seemed to be the only ones that did anything.

The picture of the cow also didn't seem to do anything. Is that what I'm feeding him?

Play, Pet, Shop, Green Happy Face and Red Sad Face buttons didn't seem to do anything. 

I like the concept, but I have some issues.

Exploding buildings are cool.
I like the score tracker and how you included the Dev score to beat.
I liked the bonus buildings.

Camera control. I really wish the direction wasn't inverted. It doesn't feel natural to me. I also wish the camera didn't require pushing the right mouse button to activate.
I can walk through all of the buildings, so it doesn't feel like they're real solid structures to me.
Play time is way too short. It took me my entire first play though just to read the instructions. Haha. I'd like to see the play time extended to 1 or 2 minutes, rather than 30 seconds.
All bonus buildings explode at the same time, which is fine if the bonus respawns, but I didn't see that happen. 

But overall, it was fun, I liked the exploding buildings combined with a score tracking system. 

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it. That music worked out perfectly with the slime's animations, so it really looked like he was grooving. Haha. It still gets stuck in my head from time to time.

Pretty fun! I liked the background, the ability to increase points per click, and the ability to increase the frequency of the bonus. Music could've been more interesting, but the gameplay was solid. Nice job!

Overall, I liked the 8-bit feel of the game, and enjoyed the music and visuals. However, the reset score to increase PPC button doesn't work. No matter how many times I clicked the button, my ppc always stayed at 1. Also, the "Random Bonus" button always increased my score by 2, it wasn't a random increase. I did like how the "Random Bonus" button moved every time I clicked it, even though it seemed to stay in a pretty small area around the other buttons, which I did not like. The gameplay felt unfocused, and the UI felt cluttered. The "Random Bonus" button also seems to trigger at the beginning of the game, so you always start with 2 points. But overall, it was a solid start.