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A member registered Feb 06, 2021

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i love this game it is so goofy and i cant wait for more. speaking for all the ohio jack lovers out there, you have done a great service to us all o7

wait so... roe is confirmed the child of death? 馃憗馃憗

(1 edit)

sorry for the late response but i did do that and it didn鈥檛 help unfortunately D:

hi, i believe i hit a dead end? i went backpacking instead of starting the day as usual and went further south. there, i met moretti who confided in me about the black ooze plaguing their lands and i make the choice thats something along the lines of "i've seen magic like this that kills the practioners and turns them into monsters" to which moretti responds, "why would that infect our water?" after that, the story wont progress, jus to let you know!